Saturday, April 6, 2013

Actually u have misunderstood the concept... Know some facts about this which will clear ur doubts...

1) TC is total count or the number of WBCs/ white blood cells per cubic mm of blood

2) DC is differential count, which expresses the configuration or contitution of the WBCs in the blood like.. There are 5 different types of WBCs ----> Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes.. The composition is expressed in terms of percentage like N60%, L35%, E3%, M2%, B0%... This is DC

3) Both the tests require just a drop of blood.. Actually any blood test when done as a single test requires just a drop of blood.. But when asked in a bulk, we have to draw the blood from the vein..

4) There is nothing like, the TC, DC should be done in the finger prick blood and Others in the venous blood.. All the tests can be done in either way.. Unless there are certain exceptions where we require a large amount of blood which cannot be done with finger pricked blood...

5) Just a little more about TC and DC. For DC, its done after preparing a blood smear on a slide, which requires just a small drop of blood.. If excess is taken it cannot be done...

And Tc, now in most of the labs, automated counters are available which just takes a few miclo litres of blood for estimation

Hope u are clarified of ur doubt...

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